Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care


In example of Jesus Christ, the ministry responds to our parishioners' needs as a whole person through body, mind, emotions, spirit and human relationship.



Anyone interested in visiting the sick or elderly at home, in the hospital or nursing home is invited to be part of this group. The mission of the group is to let those who are unable to come to church know that they are very much a part of OLGC and that we care. This ministry may also include providing Communion when requested.



This ministry enables individuals living at home to remain independent by providing transportation as needed for appointments, church functions, errands, and grocery shopping.

Emergency Home Help


Our mission is to provide help for new mothers, respite for caregivers, temporary meal assistance, as well as temporary shopping assistance for groceries or prescriptions.

Minor Repair


This group’s mission is to provide minor repairs or yard assistance to those in need of such help. Examples would include fixing a loose railing, mending a leaky pipe, shoveling snow, raking leaves, etc.

Emergency Disaster Care


Assist during natural disaster recovery as needed.

Funeral Planning


This humbling ministry’s mission is to assist and support grieving families in planning a fitting funeral Mass for their deceased loved one and be a contact person between them and the priest. The ideal funeral planner offers compassion, patience, and selflessness and he or she exhibits good listening skills, sensitivity to the family’s emotions and circumstances, and knowledge of Catholic guidelines. Training is provided.

Funeral Luncheon


Our mission is to provide a comfortable atmosphere and setting for families who wish to have a catered luncheon served here in our church hall after the funeral. The set-up, serving, and clean-up are all part of the activity, along with preparing coffee, tea, and lemonade. Another opportunity to work in this ministry is by baking or making desserts for the luncheon.

Prayer Network


The prayer network is a group of parishioners who pray for a specific intention that has been called in to the rectory or coordinators. The coordinator calls the request to the other team leaders. Each team leader contacts several people who then call others. It operates like a telephone tree. How you pray or what prayers you say are strictly up to you. It is very comforting to know that so many are praying for your intention. We are always accepting new members.

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