Social Justice

Social Justice

  • Uganda Mission

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Click Here to See the Girl's Letters

Women's Empowerment


Our mission is to enable women to achieve empowerment and overcome poverty and oppression through education, financial and emotional assistance.

Started as a vague idea, but with a strong commitment to assist poverty-stricken women and girls, it has since flourished into a spiritual and successful journey that brought us to Uganda and Father Varghese’s mission there. Through the generosity of the parish, we are currently supporting the education of 46 girls in Iyolwa, Uganda! This provides a life-changing path of hope for these girls.

Designs of birthday or sympathy cards that can be used to donate to the mission, in lieu of gifts (as well as in-season Christmas gift cards) are available at the main entrance to the church. With the help of the parish, we hope to successfully continue our efforts to assist “our” girls in the years to come.

Locally, our efforts have been focused on the issue of sex trafficking. This horrific crime is the fastest growing in the world. We hope to bring attention to the agony of the victims and the extent of the problem, as well as ways to protect our children and curtail the perpetrators.

We have also collected and distributed much needed personal products to various community organizations. We plan to continue this as a yearly program.

If you have an interest in joining the Women’s Empowerment group, please contact the rectory office.

Heifer International


Since the Mission’s inception in September 2013, the Religious Education Classes 1-12, in conjunction with Heifer International, have given so much to alleviate poverty for the world’s poor. In doing so, the kids have gained so much!

What they’ve given: Each school year, they’ve donated to purchase many, many animals, which means that families and communities will be lifted out of a life of poverty because they now have a sustainable income and economic security.

What they’ve gained: They’ve learned that even kids can make a difference. They’ve learned the joy of giving and formed a lifetime of commitment to social justice. They’ve learned about the animals and other cultures and countries. They’ve learned how fortunate they are in comparison to so many others. They’ve also had fun, played games and earned prizes!

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