This preparation process aids parents in renewing and strengthening their faith, which they will hand on to their children presented for Baptism. Parents contact the Rectory to register for this process.
Youth are invited to prepare for these Sacraments beginning in the 2nd grade. Parents enroll their child(ren) in our Faith Formation Program. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is normally celebrated in the Spring (First Penance) and the Sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated on the first Sunday in May (First Communion). Contact the Rectory for more information.
Confirmation preparation is a two-year process focused on preparing youth to freely become disciples of Christ. Youth are invited to enter the process beginning in the 7th Grade, culminating with conferral of the Sacrament early in the 9th Grade. Adults prepare for the Sacrament through the RCIA process. Please contact the Rectory for more information.
Known as Pre-Cana, the process prepares couples for the Sacrament by focusing on the biblical principles associated with commitment, sexuality, prayer, conflict resolution, and decision making to help build a strong foundation for the marriage. Couples contact the Rectory to register for this process.
Anointing of the Sick is the sacrament that is received by those who are ill or suffering. Contact the rectory at 607-748-7417.
In case of an emergency in which there is need for a priest, the parish answering service can be reached toll free at: 1-607-523-9967.
Contact the rectory at 607-748-7417 . Visit the Syracuse Diocese vocations website.
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